But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

1 John 1:7

Women of the Word Bible Study

Every other Thursday at 8:30 pm the women of the church get together for a Bible study and work through a book selected to help them grow spiritually.

Senior Adult Fellowship & Luncheons

Adults of our church aged 50 and above meet once a month as noted on the church calendar for dinner, food, singing, and a devotional and then once a month for a similar luncheon.


Each year, our church hosts a meeting for men and boys to get together and hear preaching from God's word. This service is attended by the men's groups from several surrounding churches.

Community Outreach

Our church has church-wide visitation weekly as noted on the church calendar. We visit shut-ins, the sick, visitors, and those with specific spiritual needs. We are grateful that many people have come to know the Lord from such visits by our members. To God be the glory!

Missionary Letter Writing

Our church members are encouraged to write personal letters to our missionarys located all over the world. This is done not only using the mail service but also using email via the Missions page. These letters are a great inspiration to our missionaries as noted by the response we get from them. Such letters allow us to better know our missionaries and pray for their respective ministries.

Preacher's Appreciation Service

Each year, our church hosts a "Preacher's Appreciation Service" where we provide supper for our invited guests. During the service, we honor each preacher and his wife who are in attendance with special gifts. Our church family considers this service to be one of the highlights of our year. We are thankful for those in the ministry for our Lord who "earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." (Jude 1:3).

Low Country Fellowship

Each month, Independent Baptist Churches, located from the midlands to the lower part of our state, meet together for fellowship around the preaching of God's Word. Our purpose is to encourage the sister churches of the fundamentalist position. We are blessed to have a great group of preachers and churches who value and participate in the fellowship annually. Gantt Street Baptist Church hosts the meeting on the second Monday of October. The public is invited to attend.

Mother's Day Recognition

"Who can find a virtuous woman?
for her price is far above rubies."
Proverbs 31:10

Each Mothers' Day, our church honors the women of our church with a special breakfast (cooked by the men) and with various gifts. Also, our church selects a virtuous woman and honors her as "Mother of the Year". She is presented a plaque and a gift by our pastor during the morning service. Also, in the evening service on Mother's Day, we traditionally have a parent dedication for those blessed of God with new babies during the past year.

Father's Day Recognition

Each Father' Day, our church honors the men of our church with a special breakfast and with various gifts.