Special Announcement to Morning Meditation Recipients

Sunday, November 05, 2017

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Greetings in the lovely name of the Lord Jesus!

We all certainly miss the presence of Dr. White. His life deeply touched all those around him.

God is so very good to us. though we mourn the passing of our dear friend, brother, teacher, mentor and faithful, loyal Church member, our pain is far surpassed by the gratefulness we have to God for allowing us to have interacted with this incredible man of God.

The purpose of this email is twofold: first, to let you know that Shady Grove Baptist Church will stop sending the Morning Meditations at the end of November. I’m sure you will miss these treasures from God‘s Word each day..

Secondly however, It is a great blessing to me to announce that Shady Grove Baptist Church is now publishing a daily devotional booklet comprised 100% of Dr. White’s writings. We have taken Dr White’s Morning Meditations and trimmed them down to be suitable for a daily devotional format. The devotional is titled “The Shady Grove“.

If you would like to receive a copy of “The Shady Grove” each month, simply let us know and it will be sent to you free of charge.

You may send your request by replying to this email and including your name, full postal address and the number of copies you would like to receive.

If we receive your request before November 15, you should receive the December Shady Grove in your mailbox before December 1.

Praising God for his faithful servants!

Pastor Stephen Sorrell

Shady Grove Baptist Church


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