The Shady Grove Devotional

Monday, December 04, 2017

The following message was sent by the distributors of Dr. White’s Morning Meditation. For further information and to receive their material, please contact them here.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

As you may have noticed our church is no longer sending Dr. White’s Morning Meditation on a daily basis. However, it would be our privilege to send you the Shady Grove Daily Devotional handbook. It is a compilation of the Morning Meditations that have been condensed into a small devotional for each day of the month. We mail these out at the beginning of every month. If you are interested in receiving one or more copies, please let us know you’re mailing address and how many you would like to receive and we will start sending these to you.

Again, please be sure to send us your postal mailing address. Thank you!

May God Bless you all,

Pastor Stephen Sorrell

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