12/10/14 The Double Minded Man

Tuesday, December 09, 2014


James 1:8

Morning Meditation 12/10/14

Verse 8 says, “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”

James, according to tradition, had knees that were calloused like that of a camel as a result of time spent in that posture in prayer. James recognizes the need for praying with faith. Prayer that is not offered in faith is a waste of time according to James 1:7. Double mindedness is seen by James as a major hindrance to prayer. Let’s look at this subject.


The word “double minded” translates “dipsuchos,” one word in the Greek text. It is made up of two words, “dis,” which means “twice” (two), and “psuche,” which means “soul.” The soul is explained by many as the area of the mind, emotion and will. I believe this is a correct analysis. It is the staging area of all our thoughts. A double minded person would be in constant indecision and could not decide and stay with a decision. He is positive now and doubtful later. He always questions if he made the right decision if things don’t turn out like he thinks they should.


Acts 2:46 says, “And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart.” The word “singleness” translates “aphelotes” and means “simplicity.” The idea is “uncomplicated.” In our rationalism we complicate things. When we do, we lose the simplicity of a child’s dependence on his heavenly Father. The words, “of heart” translates “kardia” and is defined by Strong as, “the soul or mind, as it is the fountain and seat of the thoughts, passions, desires, appetites, affections, purposes, endeavors.”


There are at least two things that are constant enemies to simplicity of heart and results in double mindedness. First, there is our old sin nature inherited from Adam. It is called the flesh. The flesh (not the body but the nature that influences the body) in its fallen state is enmity against God (Rom. 8:7). It is totally bad and every Christian still has flesh. Paul said in Romans 7:18, “For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.” The flesh is not redeemable (1 Cor. 15:50). Again, I am not talking about the body but the fallen nature that attempts to control the body. One the things we as believer’s have to look forward to is deliverance from the sinful nature that constantly hinders and resists the walk of faith. That will happen at the rapture. But God has allowed it to stay for now as a means to try our faith and reveal our genuineness. The Christian life is a struggle against thoughts and desires that conflict with God’s will. This is the reason “if it feels good do it” is an anti God philosophy.

Second, Satan and the kingdom of darkness is a constant enemy of God in our lives. He has the power to put thoughts in our minds to divert us from the will of God.. This is clearly brought out in Matthew 16:22-23: “Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee. But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.” Let’s look at some of the things that are obvious in these two verses. Peter had just made his great confession of faith in the Messiahship of Jesus in verse 16. Jesus had pronounced a blessing upon him in the presence of all the other disciples because he had been able to receive this as a revelation from God. While on an emotional high from our Lord’s comment, he argues with Jesus about His death and resurrection. Jesus tells him that he is now operating on human viewpoint. The words “ . . . for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men” have this meaning. It was God’s will for Jesus to die. It is man’s will to avoid death. This is a natural desire that originates in the flesh. The flesh dreads death. We do not want our loved ones to die. We will spend thousands of dollars just to keep them alive for an extra month or two. This human reasoning offended the Lord. Jesus was trying to train the disciples to think God’s thoughts concerning life and death. The mind is the staging area to process this truth. The flesh (human reason) and Satan have access to this part of man before and after salvation. Jesus identifies Peter’s words as coming from Satan. This is not Satan possessing or indwelling Peter but it does reveal that Satan can plant thoughts in our minds. If these thoughts make sense to us, we choose (volition) and take action. In Peter’s case the action was to argue with Jesus. Jesus did with Peter’s argument exactly what all of us need to do immediately when thoughts come to our minds that conflict with God’s Word.


Philippians 2:5 says, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” The unsaved man only has a mind after the flesh. The saved have the mind of Christ received at the New Birth (1 Cor. 2:16). The Christian who has the mind of Christ but decides to walk after the flesh is identified in Scripture as carnal (1 Cor. 3:1-3). The Christian operating on human viewpoint is double-minded James 1:8, and 4:8. The way to walk in the Spirit is to have the mind of Christ dominant, and the carnal mind subjugated; even though there is war between them, the carnal mind is utterly consumed by the sanctifying fire of the Holy Ghost. The mind of Christ (the Word of God) is our only salvation from our own fallen nature and Satan’s struggle against our obedience to the Lord.


The words “unstable” translates “akatastatos” and mean, “unstable, inconstant, restless.” The etymologists say this is one of the words which show the influence of political changes. From the original meaning of unsettledness, it developed, through the complications in Greece and in the East after the death of Alexander. It was used of political instability. One of the Greek translators of the Old Testament uses it in the sense of dread or anxious care. The instability of the one of whom James speaks is caused by a wrong choice in the staging area of his mind. He is not committed to the Lord when it hurts. If it involves a sacrifice, he takes the easy way out. Therefore, he is unstable and undependable.


Can the double minded man change his way? I believe he can. It is not a matter, if he can, it is a matter of the will. Does he want to change? Is he willing to admit his sin of THINKING AFTER THE FLESH and bring it to the Lord for forgiveness? If so, he will be forgiven. Then as he begins to walk by faith, he will be confronted in the staging area of his mind with thoughts contrary to the will of God. However, this time he will no longer go with human reason or act on thoughts implanted by Satan. He will act in faith on God’s revelation. This man has ceased to waver.

The words “in all his ways” means that this man cannot be depended on. He is unstable in everything he undertakes to do. On the one hand, he wants to serve. Just to use and illustration from my own pastoral experience, he will ask to teach a Sunday School class. But after the new wears off, he will miss and not make arrangements for his absence. If you take him out of the class, he will act just like the baby he is and try to make you feel that you are the guilty one. The fact is he is a double minded man/woman and no class needs this kind of instability. This one will always be a problem child until he decides to die to self and put Jesus in the control center of his life.


A double minded man will not get his prayers answered. Verse 7 says, “For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.” James is tough but he is right. Think about it. A double minded man can pray. It didn’t say he could not pray. But his prayers will not be answered. If he or his family gets sick, he will need to get someone else to do the praying. He is wasting his time James says. He can’t get an answer until gets this thing right.

May the Lord bless these words to our hearts.

In Christ

Bro. White

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